Put to the Test in a Sometimes Unrecognizable Country

Sometimes, it is difficult to articulate how I truly feel about the events playing out in this country. How disappointed I am that it is becoming less of what I thought it was when I was younger: a great place to live and thrive.  I never thought I would be living through a time when such detrimental decisions are being made that truly change history.  These decisions, it seems, only benefit one class of people and are not for the betterment of all.

It is becoming harder each day to be a person in this country, almost as if the act of living is suffocating. But then again, I suppose it’s always been that way. Truly, even though I was not surprised, I remember how gutted I felt when I first learned that Roe v. Wade had been overturned. I don’t want to pretend that I understand what countless women were going through that day, and how the decision affected them a great deal more than me, but I could not, and still don’t, understand how such a thing could happen and how some were celebrating the decision. 

And now, fast forward only a year later, and affirmative action is no more. I’m not always sure what to do about how I feel about the ruling, even though it’s only been a few months since it was made. Every day, I feel it’s made clear how little I and others with my skin complexion or lighter matter. I’m wondering what the future holds for us and how much longer we have to continue to fight. 

Read the rest of the story here…

A journalist by trade, Dominique “Peak” Johnson recently graduated from Arcadia University with a Master’s in Creative Writing. He is currently an Americorp tutor with Joyful Readers, where he teaches kindergarteners and third graders.